Computer Anudeshak Important MCQ


Computer Anudeshak (Fundamental of Computers ) Important MCQ FREE TEST

Computer Anudeshak (Fundamental of Computers ) Important MCQ FREE TEST

Computer Anudeshak (Fundamental of Computers ) Important MCQ FREE TEST

दिशा निर्देश-1.Computer Anudeshak (Fundamental of Computers ) Important MCQ FREE TEST  में सभी प्रश्न 2 अंको के है और 1 अंक नकारात्मक अंकन का है 2. सभी प्रश्न ध्यान से देवे 3. परीक्षा की दृष्टि से सभी प्रश्न उपयोगी है 
1/15 The first digital computer built with IC chips was known asa. IBM 7090b. Apple – 1c. IBM System / 360d. VAX-102/15 Vacuum Tube is inventeda. 1926b. 1906c. 1944d. 1950

3/15 Q3. Which committee is form to final fifth generation?a. ICOT (Institute for New Generation Computer Technology)b. MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry)c. MCC (Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation)d. SCP (Strategic Computing Program)4/15 Q4. Who is the inventor of “Difference Engine”?a. Allen Turingb. Charles BabbageC. Simur Crayd. Augusta Adaming

5/15 Q5. Who is the father of personal computer?a. Edward Robertb. Allen Turingc. Charles Babbaged. None of these6/15 Q6. The first computers were programmed usinga. Assembly languageb. Machine languagec. Source coded. Object code

7/15 Q7.UNIVAC isa. Universal Automatic Computerb. Universal Array Computerc. Unique Automatic Computerd. Unvalued Automatic Computer8/15 Q8.IBM 1401 isa. First Generation Computerb. Second Generation ComputerC. Third Generation Computerd. Fourth Generation Computer9/15 Q9. When did John Napier develop logarithm?a. 1416b. 1614C. 1641d. 1804

10/15 Q10. Which of the following is first generation of computer?a. EDSACb. IBM-1401C. CDC-1604d. ICL-290011/15 Q11. Chief component of first-generation computer wasa. Transistorsb. Vacuum Tubes / Valvesc. Integrated Circuitsd. None of above

12/15 Q12. Who designed the first electronics computer – ENIAC?a. Van-Neumannb. Joseph M. JacquardC. J. Presper Eckert and John W Mauchlyd. All of above13/15 Q13. Who invented the high-level language “C”?a. Dennis M. Ritchieb. Niklaus Writhc. Seymour Papertd. Donald Kunth14/15 Q14. The first electronic computer was developed bya. J.V. AttansoftBill GatesSimur CrayWinton Serf

15/15 Q15 Snowbol is an/aa……..Operating systemb. HLLC. Softwared. Search engine Result:




COMPUTER ANUDESHAK (FUNDAMENTAL OF COMPUTERS ) IMPORTANT MCQ FREE TEST यह हमारे द्वारा एक छोटा सा प्रयास आपके प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा में सफल बनाने के लिए किया गया है यदि आपको हमारे द्वारा किया गया प्रयास पसंद आता है तो कमेंट बॉक्स में आप अपना सुझाव तथा किसी भी प्रकार की त्रुटि होती है तो उसका भी आप हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में कमेंट करके सुझाव दे सकते हैं धन्यवाद

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