Tom Hardy excels in martial arts tournament and wins gold

 The 45-year-old English actor won a gold medal at the 2022 UMAC Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Open Championships after a quiet entry into the competition.

 When Hardy arrived at the school hall in Milton Keynes, England, spectators and other contestants were stunned, with the organizers saying he was simply "keeping his word."

Hardy agreed to take part in the competition after his low-key appearance at the REORG Open Jiu-Jitsu Championships last month

 "I was really excited and impressed because he told me at the championship 'I'm coming to you' and kept his word," Itoumine said.

Itoumine said that UMAC kept the Hollywood star's appearance quiet before the competition to avoid putting any pressure on Hardy.

Images posted on social media showed a victorious Hardy holding a certificate bearing his real name "Edward Hardy".

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