SSC has released the final answer key of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination Paper-I 2022 in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination, 2022
Staff Selection Commission SSC has uploaded this answer key on official website
Now in such a situation, all the candidates who had appeared in this examination can download it by visiting the portal
Apart from this, if you want, you will be able to download it by following the easy steps given below
The final answer key and the candidate's specific question paper can be printed out using the link provided on the official website, according to the officially posted announcement
Candidates will have access to this facility from January 6, 2023, at 4:00 p.m., through January 21, 2023. (04:00 PM). After this the link will be removed from the portal.
Whereas, a total of 68,364 candidates have been shortlisted to appear in the PET/PST round
Information about the program will be given by the regional offices of the Commission in due course. So candidates are advised to keep checking the final answer key for latest updates
Let us inform that SSC CPO Paper 1 Exam 2022 was organized in CBT mode
This exam was conducted from November 9 to November 11, 2022. Thereafter the results were declared on December 27, 2022.