SSC CHSL 2022: केंद्रीय विभागों में 12वीं पास के लिए 4500 सरकारी नौकरियां

This crucial update is solely for you if you graduated from high school and

wish to work for the government in one of the central government's ministries or one of its related divisions

Every year, the central government's ministries, departments, agencies, and numerous constitutional bodies, authorities, etc

Release thousands of government employment for 12th pass holders

The Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) (CHSL) test is used to make

The selection for these positions, which are filled by the Staff Selection Commission

 For the year 2022, the commission has declared that it will fill 4500 positions through the CHSL test, including  those for

Lower Division Clerks (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistants (JSA), and Data Entry Operators (DEO)

The deadline for this exam's application process is today, January 4, 2023

In this case, interested students who have not yet applied for the SSC CHSL Exam 2022

may do so by filling out the online application form available on the Commission's official website,