Repco Bank Admit Card जूनियर असिस्टेंट/क्लर्क एग्जाम के एडमिट कार्ड
Important news for the candidates who applied for the posts of Junior Assistant/Clerk in Repco Bank
Promoted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and operated in collaboration with the State Governments of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, in
The first phase under the prescribed process for the selection of eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts of Junior Assistant / Clerk in Repco Bank
Necessary admit cards have been issued for appearing in the online examination to be held on January 2023
Repco Bank has issued call letters for Junior Assistant/Clerk Recruitment online exam on Tuesday, 10 January 2023
o the candidates who have applied for the Repco Bank Junior Assistant / Clerk Recruitment can download their admit card to appear in
the online examination by visiting the official website, active link at or by visiting the relevant page from the direct link given below
can do. For this, candidates will have to fill in the details of registration number and password or date of birth and submit
After downloading the admit card, candidates must cross-check their personal particulars mentioned on it and in case of any discrepancy, contact the bank immediately.
Also, the soft copy of the admit card should be saved by the candidates.