JNVST Admit Card 2023: परीक्षा के लिए प्रवेश पत्र जारी
Important alert for all the parents who have filled the form for admission of their child in class IX in Navodaya Vidyalayas
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), which runs a total of 650 Navodaya Vidyalayas in 27 states and 8 union territories across the country
has announced the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test to be conducted for admission to the vacant seats of class 9 during the academic year 2023-24.
(JNVST) 2023 Admit cards have been issued for the students who have filled the form to join. NVS has activated the link to download the JNVST 9th 2023 Admit Card on the official website, nvsadmissionclassnine.in, while releasing it
Parents can download the admit card by logging in with their child's registered username and password. Earlier, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti had announced the date of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test to be conducted for the selection of candidates for class 9 admission
As per the update of NVS, the entrance exam will be conducted on 11 February 2023. The exam will be of 2.5 hours, but 50 minutes extra time will be given to PwD candidates.
The language of the test will be both Hindi and English and there will be a total of 100 multiple choice questions from the subjects English, Hindi, Mathematics and Science.
Students have to fill in the given OMR sheet by choosing the correct one from the given options of any question. The admit cards of the candidates for appearing in the examination can be downloaded from the link given above
Students will have to go to Navodaya Vidyalaya or any other school allotted in their respective district and take the exam.