This young man (Carlos Alcaraz) is becoming increasingly popular every day for being the hottest tennis player

 Do you know how he trains, how he stays fit, what he eats, or does he have a secret pleasure?

 This young man is becoming increasingly popular every day for being the hottest tennis player, do you know how he trains, how he stays fit, what he eats, or does he have a secret pleasure?

In the gym, he focuses the most on his legs so that he can run on as many courts as he can. He likes to have a plate of pasta before each game,

 likes to have a paste with cocoa cream ambrosia and dates and olive oil before any match, likes to eat fish and rice the night before his game,

 He always likes light when he has drinks with friends so he takes everyone with gin and lemon

He always likes light when he has drinks with friends so he takes everyone with gin and lemon

He always likes light when he has drinks with friends so he takes everyone with gin and lemon

 Carlos admits that he also likes to play chess, taking a 20-minute nap before his game.

According to Carlos chess helps me because you focus and your head works it helps me mentally to see faster